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Below is the link / URL you will need to use in your reader:


Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
What is RSS ?
RSS feeds are content feeds (often free) from websites and normally contain headline(s), a summary or 'infobyte' paragraph, and a link to the article or website.

Why use RSS ?
RSS is an easy way for you to check when content on your favourite websites has been updated, without you having to visit that site.

How do I read RSS feeds ?
You will need to install an RSS reader. This software allows you to choose which RSS feeds to subscribe to, and then displays the latest articles from these sites.

Sites that provide RSS feeds normally display this (or a similar) icon:

Depending on which RSS reader you install, you may be able 'Drag and Drop' the link provided, or 'Copy Shortcut/Link ...' and 'Paste' the shortcut/link into your RSS reader.

Where can I get an RSS Reader ?
There are many different RSS readers available on the Internet, CLICK HERE for a list. I use GreatNews by Curio Studio as it works well for me.

Important Notice
JollyGoodJokes's RSS feeds are for entertainment, informational and/or non-commercial use only.

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