w w w . J o l l y G o o d J o k e s . c o . z a        

ANNOUNCEMENT: - 31 Jul 2015
ANNOUNCEMENT: Hi to all JollyGoodJokes readers, Today I have an announcement: I have accepted an offer to return full time to the corporate IT world. The lack of sponsorship for the site (did I mention Google-Ads banned me for the use of the word "vagina"?) and the necessity to actually pay bills, have all contributed to this decision. So what about JollyGoodJokes Now? For the next few weeks, I'll be putting JollyGoodJokes on hold while I get to grips with my new 8-5 routine, be reminded of commuting early in the mornings and working out which of my new colleague's mug I can use without them knowing. Once the dust has settled, I plan to return with your favourite jokes site. At this stage I suspect it might be a less frequent schedule, weekly, or two or three times a week maybe. Thank you for all the support over the past nineteen years, and I hope this change doesn't lose me too many readers. In the mean time, have a rummage through the older ones, and keep a lookout for the return of JollyGoodJokes. Regards The JokeMaster
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